Headshot of Stephanie Weiss against a neon green background

About Stephanie

My Mission is to guide corporate leaders to become Empowered Leaders.

As the founder of the Empowered Leaders Framework, I guide corporate leaders who want to build high-performing teams who never want to quit.

The results? These leaders see improved employee engagement, retention & productivity.

Choose from a variety of offerings to meet your specific leadership goals.

I’ve been developing and mentoring leaders for 20+ years across a wide variety of industries. Now I want to do the same for YOU!

My Coaching Influences

Great leadership is more than having a title or influence. It takes one’s whole self to truly lead a group of people – heart 💜, mind 🧠, body 🖐️, & soul 🧘. Some of the great thought leaders who have influenced and resonated with me the most in my leadership journey cover all of these.


💜 “The secret to being a good leader is to actually care about your employees.”

Gary Vaynerchuk uses a no-nonsense, heart-driven approach to leadership that I appreciate. He demonstrates that leading with your heart isn’t about being soft or feminine, but being a good human being. I advocate this as a source of strength for both male and female leaders.


🧠 “The most effective leaders score high in both confidence and humility.”

Adam Grant takes a very analytical and data-driven approach to leadership. With a focus on team dynamics, he advocates for leadership that is not a one-size-fits-all approach. My approach is to meet each individual leaders where they are, with their own strengths & opportunities for improvement. One of the hardest parts of being a leader is managing others, because they too have their own strengths and weaknesses.


🖐️ “Leaders must either invest a reasonable amount of time attending to fears and feelings, or squander an unreasonable amount of time trying to manage ineffective and unproductive behavior.”

Brene Brown focuses on vulnerability, noting that it takes courage to bring the core human experience to leadership. Like Brene, I believe that authenticity, transparency, and empathy are keys to being a great leader.


🧘 “The value of a true leader is not measured by the work they do, but by the work they inspire others to do.”

Simon Sinek takes a very inspirational approach to leadership. He asks us to look at our “why” to determine our purpose – Why do you want to lead? He is an amazing storyteller who appeals to emotions and aspirations. As a leader, I feel strongly that our role is to empower and motivate others to be the best versions of themselves.

Want to Know More of My Story?

Someone had asked me, “Stephanie, what are you doing differently?” after he observed a transition in my team after I had joined less than a year before.

Watch this 15 minute YouTube video about how I realized what it was that made my Leadership Style different.

Ready for more Empowered Leaders, Not just more Bosses?

  • Want a Master Class for YOUR leadership team?
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  • Let’s discuss your desired outcomes, any specific leadership topics you want covered, and give you time to ask all of your burning questions!
Faded red brick wall with black and white headshot of Stephanie Weiss in the foreground

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