Discover How To Meet
Your Specific Leadership Goals

No Cookie-Cutter Approaches Here!


  • Master Classes or Keynote Speaker
  • Community Support – the Empowered Leaders Academy
  • Personalized Coaching

Master Classes or Keynote Speaker

Interested in a Live Session or Event

Specific to Your Needs?

We’ll discuss your desired outcomes,
any specific leadership development topics you want covered,
and give you time to ask all of your burning questions…

Choose a time that works best for you and we’ll set you up for success!

Empowered Leaders Academy

Looking for a Thriving Leadership


Join other leaders, just like you, in a supportive cohort with

monthly meetings, guided topic discussions, Q&A and more.

Personalized Coaching

Want Something More

Tailored to YOU?

Explore my 1-on-1 leadership coaching packages:

60-Minute Power Sessions

3-Month Coaching Bundle

6-Month Coaching Bundle

1-on-1 Coaching Spots are Limited!
