Thank You!

Your Academy Inquiry Has Successfully Been Submitted

Headshot of Stephanie Weiss against a neon green background

Here is what to expect - Next Steps:

  • Check your email (look in spam if you don’t see it soon)
  • Email #1 – You will receive a link to an Academy Intake form – the form is run by TypeForm and should only take a couple of minutes to complete
  • Once you complete the Intake form, you will receive a 2nd email
  • Email #2 – You will receive a link to my calendar to schedule our Discovery Call for a date & time that is convenient for you

Technical Issues?

If for any reason you do not receive my emails OR if you need to reschedule our meeting, don’t hesitate to reach out to me at: Stephanie@EmpoweredLeaders.Academy 

I'm Looking Forward to Having You Join This Amazing Community!

If this process feels cumbersome, I want you to know why there are a few extra steps…

Like you, I want to have an amazing community! But to do that, I want to make sure it is filled with Leaders who care enough about their role, their team, and want to succeed.

So rest assured, when you join this community, it is the RIGHT place for YOU!

That’s how we grow together, support each other, and ultimately WIN – together!